Source code for

:mod:`ethernet` -- Ethernet Helper Functions

.. module:: ethernet
   :synopsis: Ethernet Helper Functions
.. moduleauthor:: Klaus Popp <>

from moddy.lib.pdu import Pdu

[docs]def eth_hdr_len(): """ :return: Ethernet header byte length """ return 14
[docs]def eth_bcast_addr(): """ :return: Ethernet Broadcast MAC Address "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF" """ return "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF"
[docs]def eth_flight_time(net_speed, n_bytes): """ Compute flight time of an Ethernet frame If nBytes are below the minimum Ethernet frame length, the flight time of the minimum frame length is returned. :param netSpeed: physical link speed in bits/second :param nBytes: number of bytes to transmit :return: transmission time on wire in seconds """ return ((max(64, n_bytes) * 10) + 96) / net_speed
[docs]def eth_pdu(src, dst, eth_type, payload): """ Create an Ethernet Pdu :param str src: Source MAC address :param str dst: Destination MAC address :param eht_type: Ethernet type :param Pdu payload: Ethernet payload :return: filled Pdu """ return Pdu( "Eth", {"src": src, "dst": dst, "type": eth_type, "payld": payload}, eth_hdr_len(), )