Source code for moddy.sim_part

:mod:`sim_part` -- Moddy Simulator Parts

.. module:: sim_part
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Moddy Simulator Part Class
.. moduleauthor:: Klaus Popp <>

from .sim_base import SimBaseElement, add_elem_to_list
from .sim_var_watch import SimVariableWatcher
from .sim_ports import SimInputPort, SimOutputPort, SimIOPort, SimTimer

[docs]class SimPart(SimBaseElement): """an instance of SimPart forms a moddy object :param sim: Simulator instance :param obj_name: part's name :param parent_obj: parent part. None if part has no parent. Defaults to None :param dict elems: A dictionary with elements (ports and timers) to \ create, \ e.g. ``{ 'in': 'inPort1', 'out': ['outPort1', 'outPort2'], 'tmr' : 'timer1' }`` """ def __init__(self, sim, obj_name, parent_obj=None, elems=None): super().__init__(sim, parent_obj, obj_name, "Part") self._list_ports = [] self._list_timers = [] self._list_subparts = [] # child parts list self._list_var_watchers = [] self._state_ind = None if parent_obj is not None: parent_obj.add_sub_part(self) else: if sim is not None: sim.parts_mgr.add_top_level_part(self) if elems is not None: self.create_elements(elems) def add_sub_part(self, sub_part): """ add subPart to list of subParts :param sub_part: part to add :raise: RuntimeError If subPart already in this part """ add_elem_to_list( self._list_subparts, sub_part, self.__str__() + ":subparts" ) def sub_parts(self): """ return list of child parts """ return self._list_subparts def ports(self): """ return all ports of that part """ return self._list_ports
[docs] def annotation(self, text): """Add annotation from model at current simulation time""" self._sim.tracing.annotation(self, text)
[docs] def assertion_failed(self, assertion_str, frame_idx=1): """ Add an assertion failure trace event Increment simulator global assertion failure counter Stop simulator if configured so :param assertion_str: error message to display :param frame_idx: traceback frame index \ (1 if caller's frame, 2 if caller-caller's frame...) """ self._sim.tracing.assertion_failed(self, assertion_str, frame_idx + 1)
[docs] def set_state_indicator(self, text, appearance=None): """set part's state from model at simulation time :param text: text to show in life line :param dict appearance: appearance of state indicator. \ Dictionary with color values, e.g. \ ``{'boxStrokeColor':'black', 'boxFillColor':'green', \ 'textColor':'white'}`` """ if appearance is None: appearance = {} self._state_ind = text self._sim.tracing.set_state_indicator(self, text, appearance)
[docs] def new_input_port(self, name, msg_received_func): """ Add a new input port to the part :param name: name of port :param msg_received_func: callback function to call for message \ receiption. Signature ``func(port, msg)`` """ port = SimInputPort(self._sim, self, name, msg_received_func) self.add_port(port) return port
[docs] def new_output_port(self, name): """ Add a new output port to the part :param name: name of port """ port = SimOutputPort(self._sim, self, name) self.add_port(port) return port
[docs] def new_io_port(self, name, msg_received_func): """ Add a new "I/O" port to the part :param name: name of port :param msg_received_func: callback function to call for message \ receiption. Signature ``func(port, msg)`` """ port = SimIOPort(self._sim, self, name, msg_received_func) self.add_port(port) return port
[docs] def new_timer(self, name, elapsed_func): """ Add a new timer to the part :param name: name of timer :param elapsed_func: callback function to call for timer expiry. \ Signature ``func(timer)`` """ timer = SimTimer(self._sim, self, name, elapsed_func) self.add_timer(timer) return timer
[docs] def new_var_watcher(self, var_name, format_string): """ Add a variable to the watched variables. A watched variables value will be checked for changes during simulation. If a value change is detected, a simulator trace event is generated. :param string var_name: Variable name as seen from part's scope :param string format_string: print() like format to format \ the value when traced """ watcher = SimVariableWatcher(self._sim, self, var_name, format_string) self.add_var_watcher(watcher) return watcher
def add_port(self, port): """ Add a port to this part :param port: port to add :raise: RuntimeError If port already in this part """ add_elem_to_list(self._list_ports, port, self.__str__() + ":ports") def add_timer(self, timer): """ Add a timer port to this part :param timer: timer to add :raise: RuntimeError If timer already in this part """ add_elem_to_list(self._list_timers, timer, self.__str__() + ":timers") def add_var_watcher(self, var_watcher): """ Add a variable watcher to this part and to simulator :param var_watcher: watcher to add :raise: RuntimeError If watcher already in this part """ add_elem_to_list( self._list_var_watchers, var_watcher, self.__str__() + ":var_watchers", ) self._sim.var_watch_mgr.add_var_watcher(var_watcher)
[docs] def create_ports(self, ptype, list_port_names): """ Convinience functions to create multiple ports at once. :param ptype: Type of ports, must be one of 'in', 'out' or 'io' :param list list_port_names: list of port names to create :raise: ValueError if unknown port type The function creates for each port a member variable with this name in the part. For "in" and "io" ports, a receive function *<portName>_recv* must be provided by caller """ if ptype == "in": for port_name in list_port_names: setattr( self, port_name, self.new_input_port( port_name, getattr(self, "%s_recv" % port_name) ), ) elif ptype == "out": for port_name in list_port_names: setattr(self, port_name, self.new_output_port(port_name)) elif ptype == "io": for port_name in list_port_names: setattr( self, port_name, self.new_io_port( port_name, getattr(self, "%s_recv" % port_name) ), ) else: raise ValueError("Unknown port type %s" % ptype)
[docs] def create_timers(self, list_timer_names): """ Convinience functions to create multiple timers at once. :param list list_timer_names: list of timer names to create The function creates for each port a member variable with this name in the part. A timer callback function *<tmrName>_expired* must be provided by caller """ for tmr_name in list_timer_names: setattr( self, tmr_name, self.new_timer( tmr_name, getattr(self, "%s_expired" % tmr_name) ), )
def create_elements(self, elems): """ Create ports and timers based on a dictionary. :param dict elems: A dictionary with elements (ports and timers) \ to create, \ e.g. ``{ 'in': 'inPort1', 'out': ['outPort1', 'outPort2'], 'tmr' : \ 'timer1' }`` """ for el_type, names in elems.items(): if isinstance(names, str): names = [names] # make a list if only a string is given if el_type == "tmr": self.create_timers(names) else: self.create_ports(el_type, names)
[docs] def start_sim(self): """Called from simulator when simulation begins"""
[docs] def terminate_sim(self): """ Called from simulator when simulation stops. Terminate block (e.g. stop threads) """
[docs] def time(self): """Get current simulation time""" return self._sim.time()