Source code for moddy.sim_ports

:mod:`sim_ports` -- Moddy Simulator Ports and Timers

.. module:: sim_ports
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Moddy Simulator Ports
.. moduleauthor:: Klaus Popp <>

import pickle
from heapq import heappush, heappop
from collections import deque

from .sim_base import SimBaseElement, SimEvent
from .sim_base import add_elem_to_list
from .sim_trace import SimTraceEvent

[docs]class SimInputPort(SimBaseElement): """Simulator input port :param sim sim: Simulator instance :param SimPart part: simPart that contains this port :param name: port name :param msg_received_func: callback function to call for message \ receiption. Signature ``func(port, msg)``. May be None :param io_port: reference to the IOPort which contains this inPort \ (None if not part of IOPort). """ # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments def __init__(self, sim, part, name, msg_received_func, io_port=None): super().__init__(sim, part, name, "InPort") self._out_ports = [] # connected output ports # function that gets called when message arrives self._msg_received_func = msg_received_func # function that gets called when message transmission has started on # outPort self._msg_started_func = None # reference to the IOPort which contains this inPort # (None if not part of IOPort) self._io_port = io_port # pylint: enable=too-many-arguments def msg_event(self, msg): """called from bound outport when a new message is received""" if self._msg_received_func is not None: self._msg_received_func(self, msg) def uses_msg_start_event(self): """return true if msg_started_func is not None""" return self._msg_started_func is not None def msg_start_event(self, msg, out_port, flight_time): """ called from bound outport when a new message transmission just started """ if self._msg_started_func is not None: self._msg_started_func(self, msg, out_port, flight_time)
[docs] def set_msg_started_func(self, msg_started_func): """ register a function that gets called when the bound output port begins a message transmission :param msg_started_func: callback function to call on \ message transmission start.\ Signature ``func(in_port, msg, out_port, flight_time)`` """ self._msg_started_func = msg_started_func
def is_bound(self): """Report True if port is bound to an output port""" return len(self._out_ports) > 0 def out_ports(self): """Return list of connected output ports""" return self._out_ports def io_port(self): """ Return IOPort to which this input port belongs (None if not in an IO Port) """ return self._io_port
[docs]class SimOutputPort(SimBaseElement): """Simulator output port :param sim sim: Simulator instance :param simPart part: simPart that contains this port :param name: port name :param color: message color to use in sequence diagram. \ Use default color if *None* :param ioPort: reference to the IOPort which contains this outPort \ (None if not part of IOPort). """ class FireEvent(SimEvent): """ Event that is passed to scheduler to send a message """ # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes def __init__(self, sim, port, msg, flight_time): super().__init__() self._sim = sim self.port = port self._serialized_msg = self.__class__.msg_serialize(msg) self.msg_color = msg.msgColor if hasattr(msg, "msgColor") else None self.flight_time = flight_time # message transmit time # time when application called send() self.request_time = sim.time() self.exec_time = -1 # when message arrives at input port self.is_lost = False # Flags that message is a lost message def __str__(self): """Create a user readable form of the event. Used by tracer""" return "%s req=%s beg=%s end=%s dur=%s msg=[%s]" % ( "(LOST)" if self.is_lost else "", self._sim.time_str(self.request_time), self._sim.time_str(self.exec_time - self.flight_time), self._sim.time_str(self.exec_time), self._sim.time_str(self.flight_time), self.msg_text(), ) def __repr__(self): return self.port.obj_name() + "#fireEvent" def msg_text(self): """ return message's __str__ """ return self.__class__.msg_unserialize( self._serialized_msg ).__str__() def execute(self): # pass the message to all bound input ports for inport in self.port.in_ports(): self._sim.tracing.add_trace_event( SimTraceEvent(self.port.parent_obj, inport, self, "<MSG") ) if not self.is_lost: # make a deep copy (by using pickle) of the message, # so that application can modify the message msg_copy = self.__class__.msg_unserialize( self._serialized_msg ) inport.msg_event(msg_copy) # remove me from pending queue # print(self, "exec", len(self.port._list_pending_msg)) self.port.pending_msg().popleft() # and send next message in queue if self.port.pending_msg(): event = self.port.pending_msg()[0] self.port.send_schedule(event) self._sim.tracing.add_trace_event( SimTraceEvent( self.port.parent_obj, self.port, event, ">MSG(Q)" ) ) self.port._seq_no += 1 def notify_start(self): """ tell all bound input ports that message transmission has begun """ for inport in self.port.in_ports(): if inport.uses_msg_start_event(): inport.msg_start_event( self.__class__.msg_unserialize(self._serialized_msg), self, self.flight_time, ) @staticmethod def msg_serialize(msg): """Serialize message using pickle""" return pickle.dumps(msg, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) @staticmethod def msg_unserialize(stream): """Un-Serialize message using pickle""" return pickle.loads(stream) def __init__(self, sim, part, name, color=None, io_port=None): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments super().__init__(sim, part, name, "OutPort") # list of all input ports self._list_in_ports = [] # list of pending messages (not yet fired) self._list_pending_msg = deque() # color for messages leaving that port self.color = color # reference to the IOPort which contains this outPort # (None if not part of IOPort) self._io_port = io_port # learned message types that left this port self._list_msg_types = [] # next message sequence number (for lost messages) self._seq_no = 0 # heap with message sequence numbers that will be lost self._lost_seq_heap = []
[docs] def bind(self, input_port): """bind an output port to an input port :param input_port: input port to which this output port shall be bound :raise RuntimeError: if input port is already bound to that output port """ add_elem_to_list( input_port.out_ports(), self, input_port.__str__() + ":outPorts" ) add_elem_to_list( self.in_ports(), input_port, self.__str__() + ":inPorts" )
def is_bound(self): """Report True if port is bound to at least one input port""" return len(self._list_in_ports) >= 1 def _learn_msg_types(self, msg): """ Learn which types of messages are leaving the port. Will be displayed in Structure Graphs """ msg_type = type(msg).__name__ if msg_type not in self._list_msg_types: self._list_msg_types.append(msg_type) def learned_msg_types(self): """ Return list of learned message types that left the port until now. (Strings with types) """ return self._list_msg_types def pending_msg(self): """ Return list of pending messages """ return self._list_pending_msg def send_schedule(self, event): """ schedule a send event """ event.exec_time = self._sim.time() + event.flight_time self._sim.schedule_event(event) # check if the message is marked as lost event.is_lost = self.is_lost_message() if not event.is_lost: event.notify_start()
[docs] def send(self, msg, flight_time): """User interface to send a message :param msg: message to send :param flight_time: flight time of message """ self._learn_msg_types(msg) event = self.FireEvent(self._sim, self, msg, flight_time) if not self._list_pending_msg: # no pending messages, send now self.send_schedule(event) self._sim.tracing.add_trace_event( SimTraceEvent(self.parent_obj, self, event, ">MSG") ) self._list_pending_msg.append(event)
# print(self, "sendlp", len(self._list_pending_msg))
[docs] def set_color(self, color): """ Set color for messages leaving that port """ self.color = color
[docs] def inject_lost_message_error_by_sequence(self, next_seq): """ Inject error. Force one of the next messages sent via this port to be lost. If nextSeq is 0, the next message sent via this port will be lost, if it is 1 the next but one message is lost etc. """ lost_seq = self._seq_no + next_seq # add the sequence number to be lost to the _lostSeqHeap, # if this sequence is not already there # this maintains the heap sequence. if lost_seq not in self._lost_seq_heap: heappush(self._lost_seq_heap, lost_seq)
# print("lostSeqHeap=", self._lostSeqHeap) def is_lost_message(self): """ Test if the current message is marked to be lost. Return True if so and remove the current sequence from the lost sequence heap """ if ( len(self._lost_seq_heap) > 0 and self._seq_no == self._lost_seq_heap[0] ): heappop(self._lost_seq_heap) return True return False def io_port(self): """ Return IOPort to which this output port belongs (None if not in an IO Port) """ return self._io_port def in_ports(self): """ Return list of connected input ports""" return self._list_in_ports
[docs]class SimIOPort(SimBaseElement): """ An element that contains one input and one output port :param sim sim: Simulator instance :param simPart part: simPart that contains this port :param name: port name :param msg_received_func: callback function to call for message \ receiption. Signature ``func(port, msg)`` :param special_in_port: if None, create a standard :class:`simInputPort`, \ otherwise use the supplied specialInPort """ def __init__( self, sim, part, name, msg_received_func, special_in_port=None ): # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments super().__init__(sim, part, name, "IOPort") self._out_port = SimOutputPort(sim, part, name + "_out", io_port=self) if special_in_port is None: self._in_port = SimInputPort( sim, part, name + "_in", msg_received_func, io_port=self ) else: self._in_port = special_in_port self._in_port._io_port = self def in_port(self): """ Return the input port """ return self._in_port def out_port(self): """ Return the output port """ return self._out_port
[docs] def bind(self, other_io_port): """ Bind IOPort to another IOPort, in/out will be crossed """ self._out_port.bind(other_io_port.in_port()) other_io_port.out_port().bind(self.in_port())
[docs] def loop_bind(self): """ Loop in/out ports of an IO port together """ self._out_port.bind(self._in_port)
# delegation methods to output port
[docs] def send(self, msg, flight_time): """send message to IoPorts output port Refer to :func:`simOutputPort.send` for parameters. """ self._out_port.send(msg, flight_time)
[docs] def inject_lost_message_error_by_sequence(self, next_seq): """ inject error on IoPorts output port Refer to :func:`simOutputPort.inject_lost_message_error_by_sequence` for details. """ self._out_port.inject_lost_message_error_by_sequence(next_seq)
[docs] def set_color(self, color): """ Set color for messages leaving that IOport """ self._out_port.color = color
def peer_ports(self): """ return all peer IOPorts to which this port is bound to. return list of peer ports (empty list if none) """ list_peers = [] if self._in_port.is_bound(): for port in self.in_port().out_ports(): if port.io_port() is not None: port = port.io_port().in_port() if port in self.out_port().in_ports(): list_peers.append(port.io_port()) return list_peers # delegation methods to input port
[docs] def set_msg_started_func(self, msg_started_func): """ register a function that gets called when the bound output port begins a message transmission Refer to :func:`simInputPort.setMsgStartedFunc` for details. """ self._in_port.set_msg_started_func(msg_started_func)
[docs]class SimTimer(SimBaseElement): """Simulator Timer timer is either running or stopped timer can be canceled, and restarted :param sim sim: Simulator instance :param simPart part: simPart that contains this port :param name: port name :param elapsed_func: callback function to call for timer expiry.\ Signature ``func(timer)`` """ class TimerEvent(SimEvent): """ Event that is passed to scheduler for timer """ def __init__(self, sim, timer, exec_time): super().__init__() self._sim = sim self._timer = timer self.exec_time = exec_time def __repr__(self): return self._timer.hierarchy_name() + "#timerEvent" def execute(self): self._timer._pending_event = None self._sim.tracing.add_trace_event( SimTraceEvent( self._timer.parent_obj, self._timer, None, "T-EXP" ) ) self._timer.elapsed_func(self._timer) class TimeoutFmt: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Helper class to get a formatted print of the timeout""" def __init__(self, sim, timeout): self._sim = sim self.timeout = timeout def __str__(self): return self._sim.time_str(self.timeout) def __init__(self, sim, part, name, elapsed_func): super().__init__(sim, part, name, "Timer") # current scheduled event (None if timer stopped) self._pending_event = None # function that gets called when time elapsed self.elapsed_func = elapsed_func def _start(self, timeout): if self._pending_event is not None: raise RuntimeError(self.hierarchy_name() + "already running") if timeout <= 0: raise AttributeError( self.hierarchy_name() + "timeout must be greate than 0" ) event = self.TimerEvent(self._sim, self, self._sim.time() + timeout) self._sim.schedule_event(event) self._pending_event = event
[docs] def start(self, timeout): """Start the timer. :param timeout: Timer will fire after *timeout* :raise: RuntimeError if timer already started :raise: AttributeError if timeout <= 0 """ self._start(timeout) self._sim.tracing.add_trace_event( SimTraceEvent( self.parent_obj, self, self.TimeoutFmt(self._sim, timeout), "T-START", ) )
def _stop(self): if self._pending_event is not None: self._pending_event.cancel() self._pending_event = None
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop timer. Does nothing if timer not running""" self._sim.tracing.add_trace_event( SimTraceEvent(self.parent_obj, self, None, "T-STOP") ) self._stop()
[docs] def restart(self, timeout): """ Restart timer, works whether timer is running or not. :param timeout: Timer will fire after *timeout* """ self._sim.tracing.add_trace_event( SimTraceEvent( self.parent_obj, self, self.TimeoutFmt(self._sim, timeout), "T-RESTA", ) ) self._stop() self._start(timeout)