Source code for moddy.vt_sched_rtos

:mod:`vtSchedRtos` -- Moddy RTOS scheduler simulation

.. module:: vtSchedRtos
   :platform: Unix, Windows
   :synopsis: Moddy RTOS scheduler simulation
.. moduleauthor:: Klaus Popp <>
import threading
from .sim_part import SimPart
from .vthread import VThread

class SchedRtosData:
    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods, too-many-instance-attributes
    An instance of this class is stored in the vthread's sched_data member

    def __init__(self, prio, tmr):
        self.prio = prio
        self.state = "INIT"
        self.call_return_val = None
        self.return_event = threading.Event()
        self.sys_call_timer = tmr

    def reset(self):
        """ Reset the sched data to defaults """
        self.remain_busy_time = 0
        self.busy_start_time = None
        self.app_status = ("", {})  # for status indicator
        self.last_app_status = None
        self.wait_events = None
        self.pending_call = None

[docs]class VtSchedRtos(SimPart): """ RTOS scheduler for vThreads, an instance of a :class:`~.sim_part.SimPart` Behaves as a typical, simple RTOS. * 16 thread priorities - 0 is highest priority. * priority based scheduling. Low prio threads run only if no higher thread ready. * Threads with same priority will be scheduled round robin \ (when one of the same prio threads \ releases the processor, the next same prio \ thread which is ready is selected) :param sim: Simulator instance :param obj_name: scheduler name :param parent_obj: parent part. None if scheduler has no parent. """ # The scheduler tracks the currently ready tasks in the # :attr:`_readyVThreads` list of lists. # A list of all vThreads is maintained in :attr:`_listVThreads` num_prio = 16 sched_vthread_com_timeout = None # # Methods to be called from the Simulator thread # def __init__(self, sim, obj_name, parent_obj): # Initialize the parent class super().__init__(sim=sim, obj_name=obj_name, parent_obj=parent_obj) self._list_vthreads = [] # create list of lists, one list for each prio self._ready_vthreads = [[] for _ in range(self.num_prio)] self._sc_call_event = threading.Event() # currently running v_thread self._running_vthread = None
[docs] def add_vthread(self, v_thread, prio): """ :param v_thread: thread to be added :param prio: priority of the thread 0..15 (0=highest) Checks :attr:`.v_thread.remoteControl`: if True, allow thread state to be controlled through a moddy port `threadControlPort`. Those threads are not started automatically, but only via explicit "start" message to the `threadControlPort`. Those threads can be killed via "kill" and restarted via "start" message. """ if v_thread in self._list_vthreads: raise ValueError("v_thread already added") self._list_vthreads.append(v_thread) # create a timer for sysCalls tmr = v_thread.new_timer( v_thread.obj_name() + "ScTmr", self._sys_call_tmr_expired ) # Store a ref. to this vthread in the timer tmr.sched_data_v_thread = v_thread # add scheduler members to v_thread v_thread.set_scheduler(self, SchedRtosData(prio, tmr)) if not v_thread.remote_controlled: self.vt_state_machine(v_thread, "start")
def threads(self): """ return list of threads """ return self._list_vthreads def start_sim(self): self.schedule() self._update_all_state_indicators() def run_vthread_til_sys_call(self, v_thread): """ Run the v_thread's routine until it executes a syscall Then execute the syscall and possible reschedule """ sched_data = v_thread.sched_data # print(" run_vthread_til_sys_call %s %d" % (v_thread.obj_name(), # v_thread._scIsPythonThreadStarted)) sched_data.sys_call_timer.stop() sched_data.wait_events = None if not v_thread.python_thread_running: # first time, start python thread v_thread.start_thread() else: # wake python thread up from syscall if sched_data.return_event.isSet(): raise RuntimeError("%s return event is set" % (v_thread)) sched_data.return_event.set() # # wait until v_thread executes syscall # ret_val = self._sc_call_event.wait( timeout=self.sched_vthread_com_timeout ) if ret_val: self._sc_call_event.clear() # # Execute the sys_call # self._exec_syscall(v_thread) else: # Timeout waiting for thread to issue sys_call print( "Timeout waiting for v_thread %s to issue sys_call" % v_thread ) if v_thread.python_thread_running: raise RuntimeError( "Timeout waiting for v_thread %s to issue sys_call" % (v_thread) ) # VThread stopped self.vt_state_machine(v_thread, "term") def _exec_syscall(self, v_thread): sched_data = v_thread.sched_data # # Execute the sys_call # sys_call_name = sched_data.pending_call[0] sys_call_arg = sched_data.pending_call[1] # print(" run_vthread_til_sys_call %s Exec sys_call %s" % # (v_thread, sys_call_name)) timer = None if sys_call_name == "busy": timer = sys_call_arg[0] sched_data.app_status = sys_call_arg[1] sched_data.remain_busy_time = timer sched_data.busy_start_time = self._sim.time() sched_data.call_return_val = "ok" elif sys_call_name == "wait": timer = sys_call_arg[0] sched_data.wait_events = sys_call_arg[1] self.vt_state_machine(v_thread, "wait") sched_data.call_return_val = "?" elif sys_call_name == "term": self.vt_state_machine(v_thread, "term") # if thread terminated due to an exception, # raise also an exception in simulator if sys_call_arg == "exception": raise RuntimeError( "v_thread %s terminated due to an exception" % (v_thread) ) else: raise ValueError("Illegal syscall %s" % sys_call_name) if timer is not None: sched_data.sys_call_timer.start(timer) self.schedule() def _update_all_state_indicators(self): ready_status_appearance = { "boxStrokeColor": "grey", "boxFillColor": "white", "textColor": "grey", } new_app_status = ("STATE", "TEXT", "APPEARANCE") for v_thread in self._list_vthreads: if v_thread.sched_data.state == "RUNNING": new_app_status = ( "running", v_thread.sched_data.app_status[0], v_thread.sched_data.app_status[1], ) elif v_thread.sched_data.state == "WAITING": new_app_status = ("waiting", "", {}) elif v_thread.sched_data.state == "READY": new_app_status = ("ready", "PE", ready_status_appearance) elif v_thread.sched_data.state == "INIT": new_app_status = ("init", "", {}) if ( v_thread.sched_data.last_app_status is None or v_thread.sched_data.last_app_status != new_app_status ): v_thread.set_state_indicator( new_app_status[1], new_app_status[2] ) v_thread.sched_data.last_app_status = new_app_status def _sys_call_tmr_expired(self, timer): """ Called when the sys_call timer of a v_thread expired this routine is used for all threads """ v_thread = timer.sched_data_v_thread v_thread.sched_data.remain_busy_time = 0 if v_thread.sched_data.state == "WAITING": self._wake(v_thread, None) elif v_thread.sched_data.state == "RUNNING": self.run_vthread_til_sys_call(v_thread) else: raise RuntimeError( "_sys_call_tmr_expired in bad state %s" % (v_thread.sched_data.state) ) self._update_all_state_indicators() def wake(self, v_thread, event): """ Called in context of simulator to wakeup a v_thread event is the event that caused the wakeup If event is None, it signals that the wake is caused by timeout """ self._wake(v_thread, event) self._update_all_state_indicators() def _wake(self, v_thread, event): if v_thread.sched_data.wait_events is not None: io_port_event = None if event is not None: # allow user to specify an ioPort to wait for if hasattr(event, "io_port"): io_port_event = event.io_port() if ( event is None or event in v_thread.sched_data.wait_events or ( io_port_event is not None and io_port_event in v_thread.sched_data.wait_events ) ): if event is None: v_thread.sched_data.call_return_val = "timeout" else: v_thread.sched_data.call_return_val = "ok" self.vt_state_machine(v_thread, "wake") self.schedule() def _highest_ready_vthread(self): highest = None for prio in range(self.num_prio): if len(self._ready_vthreads[prio]) > 0: # print("_highest_ready_vthread ", prio, # self._readyVThreads[prio]) highest = self._ready_vthreads[prio][0] break return highest def schedule(self): """ Evaluate which ready vThread has highest priority. If this is another vThread than the currently running vThread: preempt the running vThread, i.e. determine remaining busy time. put running vThread back to _listVThreads make the new vThread the current one run new vThread until sys_call, and execute the sys_call """ highest_ready_vt = self._highest_ready_vthread() new_vt = None if self._running_vthread is None: if highest_ready_vt is not None: new_vt = highest_ready_vt # print(" schedule1: highest=%s" % (new_vt.obj_name() )) else: # print(" schedule2") pass else: # there is a running vThread if highest_ready_vt is None: new_vt = self._running_vthread # print(" schedule3: old=%s" % (new_vt.obj_name() )) else: if ( highest_ready_vt.sched_data.prio < self._running_vthread.sched_data.prio ): new_vt = highest_ready_vt # print(" schedule4: highest=%s" % (new_vt.obj_name() )) else: new_vt = self._running_vthread # print(" schedule5:") if new_vt is not self._running_vthread: if self._running_vthread is not None: old_vt = self._running_vthread self.vt_state_machine(old_vt, "preempt") if new_vt is not None: # print(" new_vt is %s busytime=%f" % (new_vt.obj_name(), # new_vt.sched_data.remain_busy_time)) self.vt_state_machine(new_vt, "run") if new_vt.sched_data.remain_busy_time == 0: self.run_vthread_til_sys_call(new_vt) else: # finish busy time new_vt.sched_data.sys_call_timer.start( new_vt.sched_data.remain_busy_time ) def vt_state_machine(self, v_thread, event): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches """ Change state of v_thread based on <event> <event> is one of "start" "run" "wait" "preempt" "wake" "term" Return True if state changed v_thread State Machine +-------->INIT | | <start> | v |<-<term>-READY <--------------------------+<--------------------+ | | <run> | | | v |<preempt> <wake>| |<-<term>-RUNNING--------------------------+ | | | <wait> | | v | |<-<term>-WAITING -----------------------------------------------+ """ # print(" vtSmac %s %s %s" % (v_thread, # v_thread.sched_data.state, event)) old_state = v_thread.sched_data.state new_state = old_state if old_state == "INIT": if event == "start": new_state = "READY" if old_state == "READY": if event == "run": new_state = "RUNNING" v_thread.sched_data.busy_start_time = self._sim.time() elif old_state == "RUNNING": if event == "wait": new_state = "WAITING" elif event == "preempt": elapsed = ( self._sim.time() - v_thread.sched_data.busy_start_time ) v_thread.sched_data.remain_busy_time -= elapsed # print( " preempt remain=%f %f" % # (v_thread.sched_data.remain_busy_time, # v_thread.sched_data.busy_start_time)) if v_thread.sched_data.remain_busy_time < 0: raise RuntimeError("vThread busy time negative") v_thread.sched_data.sys_call_timer.stop() new_state = "READY" elif old_state == "WAITING": if event == "wake": new_state = "READY" if old_state in ("READY", "RUNNING", "WAITING"): if event == "term": new_state = "INIT" # # Perform State entry/exit actions # if old_state != new_state: self._sm_actions(v_thread, new_state, old_state) v_thread.sched_data.state = new_state return new_state != old_state def _sm_actions(self, v_thread, new_state, old_state): # INIT entry if new_state == "INIT": self.terminate_vthread(v_thread, "kill") # RUNNING entry if new_state == "RUNNING": self._running_vthread = v_thread # RUNNING exit if old_state == "RUNNING": self._running_vthread = None # READY entry if new_state == "READY": if v_thread in self._ready_vthreads[v_thread.sched_data.prio]: raise ValueError("v_thread already in READY list") self._ready_vthreads[v_thread.sched_data.prio].append(v_thread) # READY exit if old_state == "READY": # remove from ready lists # print("removing v_thread %s from ready list" % v_thread) self._ready_vthreads[v_thread.sched_data.prio].remove(v_thread) # WAITING entry if new_state == "WAITING": pass def terminate_sim(self): """ terminate simulation. stop all python processes executing vThreads """ for v_thread in self._list_vthreads: self.terminate_vthread(v_thread) @staticmethod def terminate_vthread(v_thread, return_code="exit"): """ Terminate a vthread """ if v_thread.python_thread_running: # print("Terminate %s" % v_thread.obj_name()) # tell vThreads to exit. Causes a TerminateException() # or KillException in user code v_thread.sched_data.call_return_val = return_code v_thread.sched_data.return_event.set() v_thread.wait_until_thread_terminated() v_thread.sched_data.reset() def vt_remote_control(self, v_thread, action): """ Remote control thread state :param action: 'start' or 'term' """ if action == "start": self.vt_state_machine(v_thread, "start") elif action == "kill": self.vt_state_machine(v_thread, "term") else: raise RuntimeError( "vTRemoteControl %s bad action %s" % (v_thread, action) ) self.schedule() self._update_all_state_indicators() # # Methods to be called from a vthread thread context # def sys_call(self, v_thread, call, args): """ Called in v_thread context to execute a system call, which may cause re-scheduling :param call: string with system call 'busy', 'wait', 'term' :param args: list of arguments to system call returns when scheduler schedules v_thread again :return: the list of return values from scheduler """ # invoke system call if v_thread.sched_data.pending_call is not None: raise RuntimeError("syscall still pending for %s " % (v_thread)) v_thread.sched_data.pending_call = (call, args) v_thread.sched_data.call_return_val = None # print(" VT:sys_call exec",v_thread.obj_name(), call,args) self._sc_call_event.set() # wait until scheduler completed syscall ret_val = v_thread.sched_data.return_event.wait( timeout=self.sched_vthread_com_timeout + 1.0 if self.sched_vthread_com_timeout is not None else None ) if not ret_val: if not self._sim.isRunning(): # Simulator stop, tell thread to exit v_thread.sched_data.call_return_val = "exit" else: raise RuntimeError( "%s: Timeout waiting for scheduler to return " "from sys_call" % (v_thread) ) v_thread.sched_data.return_event.clear() # print(" VT:sys_call ret",v_thread, # call,v_thread.sched_data.call_return_val) pend_call = v_thread.sched_data.pending_call[0] v_thread.sched_data.pending_call = None if pend_call != "term": if v_thread.sched_data.call_return_val == "exit": # print(" VT:sys_call raising TerminateException %s %s" % # (v_thread,v_thread.sched_data.pending_call)) raise v_thread.TerminateException() if v_thread.sched_data.call_return_val == "kill": # print(" VT:sys_call raising KillException %s %s" % # (v_thread,v_thread.sched_data.pending_call)) raise v_thread.KillException() return v_thread.sched_data.call_return_val @staticmethod def vthread_can_receive_messages(v_thread): """ Return true if the v_thread is in a state in which it can receive moddy messages """ return v_thread.sched_data.state != "INIT"
[docs]class VSimpleProg(VThread): """ A special version of a VThread that has its own scheduler and no concurrency :param sim: Simulator instance :param v_thread_args: see :class:`.VThread` for parameters """ def __init__(self, sim, **v_thread_args): """ See v_thread.__init__ for arguments """ super().__init__(sim, **v_thread_args) sched = VtSchedRtos(sim=sim, obj_name="sched", parent_obj=self) sched.add_vthread(self, 0)