Moddy Result Generator APIs

Sequence Diagrams

moddy.interactive_sequence_diagram.gen_interactive_sequence_diagram(sim, file_name, show_parts_list=None, excluded_element_list=None, show_var_list=None, refer_files=False, **kwargs)[source]

Moddy function to create sequence diagrams. The function is supposed to be called after the simulator has stopped. It takes the recorded events from the simulator instance.

Depending on the fmt parameter, either dynamic or static diagrams are generated.

  • sim (sim) – Simulator instance

  • file_name (str) – output filename (including filename extension .html)

  • show_parts_list (list) – if given, show only the listed parts in that order in sequence diagram. Each element can be either a reference to the part or a string with the hierarchy name of the part. if omitted, show all parts known by simulator, in the order of their creation

  • show_var_list (list) – List of watched variables to include in the sequence diagram. Each element must be a string with the variable hierarchy name. event.g. “VC.var1”. If omitted, no variables are included.

  • excluded_element_list (list) –

    parts or timers that should be excluded from drawing Each list element can be the object to exclude or one of the following: - ‘allTimers’ - exclude all timers

    NOTE: Unlike in show_parts_list, strings with hierarchy names are not yet supported

  • refer_files – Include references to .css and .js file instead of including them

  • **kwargs

    further arguments

    • title - Title text to be displayed above the sequence diagram

    • timePerDiv - time per “Time Div”.

    • pixPerDiv=25 - pixels per time grid division. Optional, default:25. Note: The interactive viewer dynamically adjust the time scale depending on the current time scale factor and uses * timePerDiv* and pixPerDiv only as an hint for the initial scale factor.

    • partSpacing=300 - horizontal spacing in pixels between parts. (start value)

    • partBoxSize = (100,60) - Tupel with x,y pixel size of part box. Note: The interactive viewer dynamically adjust the part box size according to the length of the part names.

    • statusBoxWidth=20 - pixel width of status box on life line

    • variableBoxWidth=150 - pixel width of watched variable value box on life line

    • varSpacing = 180 - pixels between variables

Trace Tables

moddy.trace_to_csv.gen_trace_table(sim, file_name, **kwargs)[source]

Moddy high level function to create trace tables as .csv.

  • sim (sim) – Simulator instance

  • file_name – output filename (including .csv)

  • kwargs

    further arguments

    • time_unit=”s” - time unit for all time stamps in table (‘s’, ‘ms’, ‘us’, ‘ns’)

    • float_comma=’,’ - Comma character for float numbers

Structure Graph

moddy.dot_structure.gen_dot_structure_graph(sim, file_name, keep_gv_file=False)[source]

Generate a graph of the model structure using the GraphViz dot tool

  • sim (sim) – Simulator instance

  • file_name – the relative filename including ‘.svg’

  • keep_gv_file – if True, don’t delete graphviz input file

FSM Graph

moddy.dot_fsm.gen_fsm_graph(fsm, file_name, keep_gv_file=False)[source]

Generate a Fsm Graph of an fsm using the GraphViz dot tool

  • fsm – an instance of the fsm

  • file_name – the relative filename including ‘.svg’

  • keep_gv_file – if True, don’t delete graphviz input file