Protocol Data Units

Created on 27.04.2018


class moddy.lib.pdu.Pdu(pdu_type, mapping, byte_len)[source]

Representation of a protocol data unit

The Pdu is represented as a dictionary, containing the modelled protocol pdu fields. The additional member ‘_byte_len’ represents the real byte length of all pdu fields

dict={ 'm1': m1value, 'm2': m2value }, _byte_len=10

Pdus can be nested.

  • pdu_type (str) – A string describing the type of the Pdu (without ‘Pdu’), e.g. ‘Eth’

  • mapping (dict) – dictionary with member:value pairs, value can be a sub-Pdu

  • byte_len – top level byte Len - subPdus len will be added

__init__(pdu_type, mapping, byte_len)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Return the length of the Pdu in bytes, including all its nested PDUs


Return a string as __repr()__, but also dump sub-pdus in separated, intended lines, e.g.:

IpPdu(1220) ihl=14 flags=0 src= dst=
payld=RawPdu(1000) payld2=RawPdu(200)
    payld:RawPdu(1000) raw=IPPAYLOAD
    payld2:RawPdu(200) raw=AnotherPayld

Fill top level PDU up, so it has a byte_len of n_bytes if PDU already larger, raise Attribute error

classmethod is_pdu(obj)[source]

Check if obj is a Pdu or a subclass of Pdu

split_to_fragments(pdu_type, max_frag_byte_len)[source]

Split the Pdu into fragments and return list of fragments Each fragment is represented as a Pdu

Pdu( "<orgtype>Frag", { 'fr': (<offset of fragment>,
<len of fragment>), 'org'=[<original Pdu>], fraglen )

Note: the ‘org’ member is transferred with every fragment. It is enclosed in a list, so that it is not included in the fragment’s byte length.

The PduDefragmenter class can be used to defragment the fragments

  • pdu_type (string) – pdu_type to set for fragments

  • max_frag_byte_len (int) – maximum bytes per fragment

Return list

list of fragments

class moddy.lib.pdu.PduDefragmenter[source]

Class to defragment a PDU that has been fragmented with split_to_fragments().

Create an instance of this class and add all received fragments with add_fragment(). Fragments may be received in any order.

Whether the defragmentation is complete, can be checked by calling the_pdu() or defrag_complete_info().


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Add a received fragment


Check if defragmentation complete.

Return string

None if complete or string with info with first missing frag


Return the complete defragmented PDU. If fragments are missing, return None.


return a empty PDU